The Grotte del Cavallone and the Grotte del Bove were used as shelter by residents of Taranta Peligna during World War II.

In the autumn of 1943 the war front was immobilized along the Gustav line, South-Eastern slopes of the Majella. The German troops, in retaliation, crept into the local villages systematically undermining the village.  It won't be hard to notice, strolling through Taranta Peligna, was completely destroyed, with rare expections, by german mines and a lot of families were obliged to find protection and hideout  elsewhere. All the inhabitants were dispersed from the Country. Some were directed toward Casoli coasting along the river; many were sheltered in the caves and they remained there for over one month (November 1943.febbraio 1944). The stories of elderly refugees allow us to bring to light some more detail: the cave, having a constant temperature of 10 degrees, was iprecious to survive to the rigid temperatures of the oncoming winter at high altitudes; displaced people brought with them some animals, mostly sheep, which they fed: little was the vegetation at that time of the year at that height; women and children found a safe place in the Grotta del Cavallone, Aligi's Hall, , which still bears the marks of that long month while men mostly fled in the Grotta del Bove, a short walk from the Grotta del Cavallone, probably the fastest and easiest access and therefore increased exposure to external attacks.

In short, online, some stories of refugees.

Gallery - History
  • gita alle grotte del cavallone
  • treggie
  • Gli scopritori della Galleria dei laghi
  • Speleo
  • ingresso gradini
  • Mila di Lazzaro
  • Spedizione alle grotte
  • Speleo nelle Grotte del Cavallone
  • Foto storica
  • Valle di Taranta