The River Park of Acquevive, on both banks of the river Aventino, where there is the Source of Acquevive, is absolutely one of the Abruzzo places that you can’t  miss to visit. Relaxing, smooth, fragrant, innovative, where nature and body become one. And the spirit rejoices. In 2012 the Park was renovated by the municipality and is enhanced by features: the ability to do outdoor sports with a fitness trail.

Acque Vive

To do a pic-nic, with a look to his/her children that play in the park you play; to snoop on the territory visiting the gardens of the Park and the point sale with local genuine products; dissetarsi with the water "Acquevive"; to walk breathing to full bellows; to relax on the notes of the to flow some river. The River Park is also and above all a mirror of the nature of great thickness. Mirror of the territory they are the plants and the flowers that the Park winds and they protects. A real, unmissable, museum of botany!

Info: 366 241 9616

Google Map

Sfera geodetica

Tourist Complex "Cavallone"

Acque ViveActivity path, refreshment, Botanical Garden on the Aventino river 

Camper AreaPicnic area, camper and parking

Cavallone EasyMultimedia Museum about Grotte del Cavallone

Info Poit GrotteInformation point 

 The Inn of D'AnnunzioRefuge and refreshment - Station finishing line cable car

Woolen Mill Vincenzo MerlinoAncient Woolen Mill - "Coperte de la Tarante"

San Biagio Portalligneo Portal- XVI sec.

Brigata Maiella's SacrariumThe church in memory of the patriots of Maiella

Trekking pointHiking the trails of Maiella